Stefan Haun

Dipl.-Inform. Stefan Haun
Faculty of Computer Science
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
- Winter Term 2009/2010: Concepts for Adaptive Interaction with Multimedia (seminar)
- Winter Term 2009/2010: Information Retrieval (exercise course)
- Summer Term 2009:Personalized User Interfacesl (seminar)
- Winter Term 2008/2009: Information Retrieval (exercise course)
Exploration of web search results based on the formal concept analysis
Butka, Peter; Low, Thomas; Kotzyba, Michael; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Semantic Keyword-Based Search on Structured Data Sources - Cham : Springer International Publishing ; Szymański, Julian . - 2018, S. 123-135 - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 10546) [Konferenz: 3rd International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2017, Gdańsk, Poland, September 11-12, 2017]
Artikel in Kongressband
A framework for FCA-based exploratory web search
Butka, Peter; Low, Thomas; Kotzyba, Michael; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Companion-Technology (ISCT 2015), S. 131-136 Kongress: International Symposium on Companion-Technology, ISCT 1 Ulm 2015.09.23-25
Persistent e-mail identification is viable!
Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: CEUR workshop proceedings - Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen, Bd. 1306 (2014), S. 28-37
SENSE: Combining Mashup and HSM technology by semantic means to improve usability and performance
Haun, Stefan; Krüger, Robert; Wehner, Peter
In: Online Communities: Enterprise Networks, Open Education and Global Communication. - Dresden : TUDpress, Verl. der Wissenschaften Dresden, S. 61-72, 2013
Exploring technical documents - a prototype study
Nitsche, Marcus; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: HCI International 2013 - Posters Extended Abstracts: International Conference, HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings, Part II / edited by Constantine Stephanidis/ Stephanidis - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer; Stephanidis, Constantine . - 2013, S. 445-449 - (Communications in Computer and Information Science; 374)Kongress: HCI International (Las Vegas, Nev. : 2013.07.21-26)
Dynamics in search user interfaces
Nitsche, Marcus; Uhde, Florian; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: CEUR workshop proceedings - Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen, Bd. 1033 (2013), S. 47-50Kongress: European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval 3 (Dublin : 2013.08.01)
Gaze-based Landmarks to support re-finding information on the web
Hempel, Julia; Nitsche, Marcus; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Mensch & Computer 2013 ; [1]:Tagungsband - München: Oldenbourg . - 2013, S. 353-356
Towards persistent identification of resources in personal information management
Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives - held in conjunction with the 17th Int. Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) on September 26, 2013 in Valetta, Malta/ International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives - Aachen, Germany: RWTH Aachen; Predoiu, Livia . - 2013, S. 73-80 - (CEUR workshop proceedings; 1091)Kongress: SDA 2013 3 (Valetta, Malta : 2013.09.26)
Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe
Evaluating decisions - characteristics, evaluation of outcome and serious games
Inthorn, Julia; Haun, Stefan; Hoppe, Anett; Nürnberger, Andreas; Dick, Michael
In: Advances in computational intelligence ; Pt. 2 - Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 2012; Pt. 2 . - 2012, S. 44-51 - (Communications in computer and information science; 298)Kongress: IPMU 2012 14 (Catania : 2012.07.09-13)
On the integration of graph exploration and data analysis - the creative exploration toolkit
Haun, Stefan; Gossen, Tatiana; Nürnberger, Andreas; Kötter, Tobias; Thiel, Kilian; Berthold, Michael
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery / Berthold , Michael - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2012 ; Berthold, Michael *1966-*, S. 301-312 - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7250)
Data exploration for bisociative knowledge discovery - a brief overview of tools and evaluation methods
Gossen, Tatiana; Nitsche, Marcus; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery / Berthold , Michael - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2012 ; Berthold, Michael *1966-*, S. 287-300 - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7250)
Bisociative music discovery and recommendation
Stober, Sebastian; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery / Berthold , Michael - Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg , 2012 ; Berthold, Michael *1966-*, S. 472-483 - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7250)
(= (+ intelligence ?) wisdom)
Hoppe, Anett; Haun, Stefan; Inthorn, Julia; Nürnberger, Andreas; Dick, Michael
In: Advances in computational intelligence ; Pt. 2. - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, S. 35-43, 2012 - (Communications in computer and information science; 298)Kongress: IPMU 2012; 14 (Catania) : 2012.07.09-13
How to evaluate exploratory user interfaces?
Gossen, Tatiana; Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Proceedings of the SIGIR Workshop "entertain me". - Amsterdam : IR Publ., S. 23-24, 2011Kongress: SIGIR 2011 Workshop; (Beijing, China) : 2011.07.28
Artikel in Kongressband
Supporting exploratory search by user-centered interactive data mining
Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: SIGIR 2011. - Beijing, insges. 2 S.Kongress: Information Retrieval for E-Discovery (SIRE) Workshop; (Beijing) : 2011.07.28
Originalartikel in begutachteter zeitschriftenartiger Reihe
CET - a tool for creative exploration of graphs
Haun, Stefan; Nürnberger, Andreas; Kötter, Tobias; Thiel, Kilian; Berthold, Michael
In: Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer , 2010 ; Balcázar, José Luis, S. 587-590 - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 6323) Kongress: ECML PKDD 2010 Barcelona 2010.09.20-24
Towards an update-enabled mediator system using semantic web technology
Haun, Stefan; Schulze, Sandro; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2010, 2010 . - 2010, insges. 5 S. - (CEUR workshop proceedings; 581)Kongress: GvD-2010 22 (Bad Helmstedt : 2010.05.25-28)
Artikel in Kongressband
Interactive visualization of continuous node features in graphs
Haun, Stefan; Nitsche, Marcus; Nürnberger, Andreas
In: Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD 2009, EIN 2009. - Bled, S. 98-106Kongress: EIN 2009; 1 (Bled) : 2009.09.11
- Diplomarbeit "Concepts for an Extensible Framework for Exploration and Visualization of Information Networks"