The project 'Digitalisation of pedagogical work processes: Securing skilled labour through digital competence and participation' (DiPA-KOM) aims to research digitalisation potential in the elementary sector of the education system, particularly at the transitions from daycare to school, and transfer this into sustainable structures. The aim of the project is to research methods for improving transitions in the area of STEM education between daycare centres and schools.
Background information on the topic
In line with OVGU's strategy, our project is research- and application-oriented in the development of teaching and continuing education programmes and in the transfer of evidence-based digitisation and participation concepts for practice and will cooperate closely with the relevant OVGU stakeholders, especially in the STEM field. The aim is to link these areas to the field of elementary and primary education in terms of research and practice transfer in order to systematically support existing expertise for the strategic management and content design of the digital transformation through training and further education in this education sector in Saxony-Anhalt, which is characterised by a severe shortage of skilled workers. Research and networking will focus on the transitions for the development of a strategically interlinked digital infrastructure in the education system of the state of Saxony-Anhalt.
Project goals
At its core, the project is dedicated to retaining skilled staff through digital competence in elementary and primary education institutions, including daycare centres.
Digital tools are developed and evaluated on the basis of research, which enable transition-related digital process and organisational innovations in the cooperation and communication of different educational institutions and educational areas.
- individual (related to the child and the family, e.g. through the development of tools for participatory transition-related educational documentation),
- group-related (related to groups or school classes),
- institution-related (related to daycare centres or schools) and
- across institutions (e.g. through IT-supported forms of cooperation and transition practices in the field of STEM education).
A new and innovative aspect is the consideration of the elementary sector in the link to further educational areas in STEM education. There is a need here for the initial and further training of skilled workers, which makes a significant contribution to securing and recruiting skilled staff and ensures the sustainable participation of children and families in the areas of education. Contributions are to be made to an educational concept for digitalisation that builds on each other, is future-proof and is coordinated with regard to the transitions, on the one hand innovatively mapping digital work processes and, on the other hand, conceptually linking STEM topics in educational institutions from the elementary level onwards.
Main areas of work
A total of 36 months is planned for the research project, focussing on the following areas:
- AI methods to support pedagogical work processes (e.g. development of digital tools using interactive and haptic (communication) systems; use of sensor technology and robotics)
- Establishing a digital infrastructure to raise awareness of digitalisation
- Researching children's living environments and forms of children's use of digital media (e.g. to design digital learning and research spaces)
- Concepts for the (re)design of initial and further training in the use of digital tools to secure skilled labour
- Evaluation and transfer of new technologies and concepts
From the predecessor project 'Digitale Unterstützung partizipativer pädagogischer Arbeitsprozesse in Einrichtungen der Bildung, Erziehung und Betreuung von Kindern und Jugendlichen' (KiJuAssistenz):
- Mirko Steckel, Roman Auchter, Christoph Bernig, Kerstin Eschwege, Lisa Lorenz, Andreas Nürnberger, Marcus Thiel (2023). Digitalisierung in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. In: Nitsch, V., Brandl, C., Häußling, R., Roth, P., Gries, T., Schmenk, B. (eds) Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt im Mittelstand 3. Springer Vieweg, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-67024-8_11
Team and Contact
Project manager: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Nürnberger andreas.nuernberger@ovgu.de
PI Pedagogy: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Eschwege kerstin.eschwege@ovgu.de
The project is funded by the European Union through the 'Sachsen-Anhalt WISSENSCHAFT Forschung und Innovation (EFRE)' programme.