Artificial intelligence - how is it changing Saxony-Anhalt?

15.07.2024 -  

On July 15, 2024, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation hosted an information event on the topic of “Artificial intelligence: How is it changing Saxony-Anhalt” at the Experimental Factory in Magdeburg. “The research and use of artificial intelligence is progressing worldwide. What is the situation in Germany and Saxony-Anhalt? How do our companies benefit from the use of AI? What are the consequences and opportunities? How is the present and future of AI shaping up in our federal state?” This is the description of the event program of the “Political Education Forum Saxony-Anhalt”, which is run by the foundation. Fabian Kowitzke (ZPVP GmbH & OVGU) and Juliane Höbel-Müller (OVGU) from the project consortium “Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Magdeburg” contributed to the discussion and gave the guests a practical insight into the topic of the event. Uli Wittstock from MDR Saxony-Anhalt was among the guests. His lively summary of the event can be found at Juliane Höbel-Müller would like to thank the Political Education Forum Saxony-Anhalt for the invitation and the discussion with Mr. Wittstock from MDR.

Last Modification: 25.07.2024 - Contact Person: